Apt. 30F
New York, NY 10128
United States
About Me
As a certified Celebrant and Non-Denominational Minister, I create and deliver personalized memorials, celebrations of life, and funerals throughout the NYC Tri-State area.
As a Life-Cycle Celebrant, I work with individuals and families of all philosophical orientations—those who have some connection to a religious tradition or are spiritually inclined, as well as people who consider themselves secular. I’ve graduated from programs at the Celebrant Foundation & Institute (USA) and One Spirit Learning Alliance. Currently I am completing the Thanatology certificate at the New York Open Center’s Art of Dying Institute.
In all ceremonies, I strive to provide the utmost service in crafting and delivering an exceptional and moving ceremony. With training in end-of-life care and through my work as a Life-Cycle Celebrant, I am extremely sensitive to the needs of a family in grief.